Just participate at Valeo Innovation Challenge to get a chance to win €100,000!


  • A first prize of €100,000 will be awarded on completion of the contest in each of the following categories:
    • The innovation prize for the best technological innovation
    • The idea prize for new ways of using the car
  • The second prize for each in these two categories is €10,000.

How to Win

Valeo has launched the 3rd edition of its contest, the “Valeo Innovation Challenge 2016”, which offers students from around the world the opportunity to become players in automotive innovation. They are required to come up with an innovation which would, between now and 2030, make the car and the way it is used more intelligent, intuitive, green and fun. These students are being asked to develop bold solutions for the society of tomorrow. Each team must appoint a leader who will represent it. The leader will be the Valeo contact person. The leader must act as coordinator with the other team members and personally handle the use and possible sharing of Valeo’s financial participation in the project expenses (see article 12). Valeo will not accept any claims in this regard.


  • Bold, innovative and original idea of the project (“Best Innovation” category / “Best Idea for a new way to use cars” category);
  • Challenges and relevance of the problem dealt with and factoring in of society’s expectations;
  • Knowledge of technical / related matters;
  • Feasibility and construction of proof of concept;
  • Quality of presentation.

Contest Duration

Contest ends: October 2016

More details at valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com